Month: August 2020

Time for a Paradigm Shift: Moving from ESGs to the United Nations SDGs

COVID-19, its rapid spread and the insidious toll it is taking on humans as well as on the global economy is a perfect example of why sustainability and the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)1 are more important now than ever.  This insidious virus has hit every corner of the earth with over 17 million confirmed …

Time for a Paradigm Shift: Moving from ESGs to the United Nations SDGs Read More »

The impact of the SDGs on investment and financial returns

Concerning the DOL’s proposal limiting access to ESG funds in US retirement accounts, our research, Sustainable Investment – Exploring the Linkage Between Alpha, ESG, and SDG’s a ‘TOP TEN’ listed Social Science Research Network (SSRN) paper, dispels the notion that ESG issues are not relevant to portfolio value and are in conflict with an asset …

The impact of the SDGs on investment and financial returns Read More »

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