Data to Deliver on Sustainability

Learn how we use Big Data & AI to harmonize global sustainability reporting, align government policies with the SDGs, and provide critical development data to national statistical offices.

The Global Algorithmic Institute at GlobalAI Co.

Supporting the UN to Harmonize Global Sustainability Reporting through Big Data and AI

We focus on the role of the private sector in achieving the sustainable development goals of ending poverty, protecting the planet and ensuring that all people enjoy peace and prosperity by 2030. The Institute’s research aggregates firm-level, private sector data, and identifies where the private sector should mobilize its resources, know-how and capital to achieve the SDGs.

Our work advances the reporting requirements of SDG target 12.6, which requires Member States to encourage companies, especially large and transnational companies, to adopt sustainable practices and to integrate sustainability information into their reporting cycle. Our dataset is the only proxy available for governments to produce the data called for under SDG target 12.6 to measure the private sector’s alignment with the SDGs at the country, regional and global level for policy purposes. Ours are the first AI-driven data to help inform policy, strategy, and investment decision-making at the national level.

Data to deliver on the SDGs

Benchmarking progress on the SDGs requires harmonizing corporate reporting on sustainability targets across industries and countries. That’s why the Global Algorithmic Institute at GlobalAI is proud to focus on SDG indicator 12.6.1, which is the only SDG indicator uniquely focused on the private sector’s alignment with the SDGs at the country, regional and global level for policy purposes. 

Mobilizing capital through better data and transparent reporting

The current lack of SDG data for policy-making, corporate strategy, and investing severely constrains the ability of public and private stakeholders to make SDG-driven decisions. This creates enormous obstacles to align policy-making with sustainable economic development and mobilize the institutional capital to where those investments are most needed at the scale required to close the annual $2.5 trillion SDGs financing gap.

Only with high-quality data can companies better align themselves with the SDGs, and motivate investors to mobilize capital from billions to trillions to deliver on the SDGs.

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